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Real maple syrup only comes from maple trees, nothing else. There are no added ingredients such as ‘natural flavorings’, ‘natural colors’. Real maple syrup does not have any added sugars either. You will not find corn syrup, brown sugar, or high fructose syrup in real maple syrup. If the syrup you are buying doesn’t list the single ingredient as 100% maple syrup, you are not buying real maple syrup.

Buck Family Maple Farm is a single-source maple syrup producer. That is to say, our entire production process, from the sap of our maple trees to the packaging of the finished maple syrup, to you the consumer, takes place entirely on our farm. Even our sugarhouse, where all the syrup is made and packaged, was constructed by us from trees we felled and milled from the spot where the sugarhouse now stands.

Maple syrup production does not require intensive use of the soil or water such as tilling and pesticide use, only healthy natural maple trees.

Adding to our sustainable and renewable commitment in 2018 we became Certified Organic by the Vermont Organic Farmer’s Association and a Bird Friendly Forest by the Vermont Audubon Society.

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